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Amelia Devī Rozzi
Yoga teacher and Holistic Practitioner
Yoga teacher and Holistic Practitioner (massage therapist and naturopath). Direct student of Master Amadio Bianchi (Swami Suryananda Saraswati) and Swami Ramaswarupananda (DLS).
Founder and President of Artemisia asd – The Art in Harmony and Wellbeing, located in Lanciano (Italy), that periodically also deals with organizing thematic meetings with various masters and with the help of various artists to experience the union between Yoga and Art: theatre, singing, music.
She has always been a curious traveller, scholar, a lover and researcher of the foundations of different cultures, ancient traditions, philosophical concepts, forms of language and artistic expressions... among the favourite quotes: "The most fascinating journey is within oneself", and the famous Gandhi’s "BE the change you want to see in the world".

Holistic Therapist for over 20 years; she is expert in: Holistic Massage having achieved the Qualification in Holistic Massage, Anatomy and Physiology by the Massage Training Institute in London (U.K), Sports Massage by the “School of Sport CONI”and A.I.M.S. and “D’Annunzio University” in Chieti, Bioenergetic baby Massage (Gentle Butterfly touch) Eva Reich’s technique awarded by the Reich’s Institute of Rome, and Ayurvedic Massage. She is also a Qualified Naturopath by the EFOA (European Federation of Oriental Arts) in Rome.
She completed the 4-year-yoga training course held by master Amadio Bianchi thanks to him she met numerous Ayuverdic doctors and Yoga masters from all over the world who enriched her knowledge with several point of views (ekam sat viprā bahudhā vadanti - Rg Veda). Mainly the meeting with Swami Ramaswarupanada will mark deeply her path and during her Indian stays she begins a spiritual search.
During her Indian journeys she starts to enter in the depth of this ancient and wise discipline searching for this unifying Knowledge. She is keeping on studying insight: Yogasana, Integral Yoga, ancient text (Bhagavad Gītā, Yoga Sūtra etc.) and Vedanta.
During her classes she promotes a structured integral view of Yoga accessible to any age and stage in life: from birth to old age. She had also collaborated with schools to promotes and educate students and teachers. Joining forces with a neurologist specialized in Parkinson’s disease, she created special classes tailored on this specific need, she experienced and received also an encouraging feedback on the diverse beneficial effects of Yoga on people effected by Parkinson’s disease.
Currently she is immersed in studying Sanskrit.

Tel. +39 347 8686360

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Christine Henss
Yoga, Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda Teacher
· First contact with Yoga at the age of 17
· Continous practice since 2002
· Intensive YTT in 2007 at Yoga Vidya, Bad Meinberg, Germany
· Advanced Trainings in Vedanta, Hormon Yoga, Kundalini Yoga,
  Vinyasa Flow, PavanmuktAsana, Yoga Nidra and Yoga Therapy
· Since 2019 : Yoga, Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda Teacher Training
  with Amadio Bianchi Svami Suryananda Saraswati, C.Y. Surya (a.o. Founder
  of the European Yoga Federation)
Yoga to me is to be grounded in the body while aligning with the higher self.
This is why I put the emphasis on awarenss and on the meditative and
introspective aspect during my classes.
My aim is also to enhance self-acceptance and self-love and thus create a place
of peace in the inner and the outer world …
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Daniela Laudani
Hatha Yoga teacher
I discovered yoga when I was 17 years old  in Catania (Sicily - Italy), and from that moment, yoga has accompanied me throughout my life. I lived abroad a long time, I worked at the Italian Cultural Institute in Bratislava, Slovak Republic where I had the opportunity to work in an international team to organize several projects and conferences. The international environment and the frequent travel trip made me able to practice different stiles with different teachers. I have worked closely with the East Europe (Czech, Slovak, Polish, Hungarian) Universities and Educational Institutions. After my return to Italy I started travelling abroad (Australia, Thailand, Indonesia and to India) developing a deeper knowledge of Indian culture and Yoga different interpretations.
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I practiced with several teacher, in Rome (Iyengar), Bratislava (Yoga Darshana), Budapest (yoga studio) and Prague (Dum Yogi) where he studied Zen meditation with Sri Lankan community. I spent long periods in India, mainly in Mysore (Yogadarshanam) to learn elements of Ashtanga yoga and Mumbai (Yogatherapy). Always I still follow  my first yoga teacher, Francesca Zuco, in Catania (Viniyoga).
I practiced with Philippa Ashley (Ashtanga), Jadranko Miklec (vedic teachings), Janet Stone (Goa Yoga Festival), Amy Laundry, Antonio Nuzzo, Willy Van Lysebeth (Italy), Andrè Riehl (france). I studied with Mark Stevens (Yoga adjustments) in Prague and with other famous teachers studying different styles of yoga. In December 2014 I spent a month in Kerala to study Yoga and Ayurveda links. In December 2015 I was in Rishikesh and Amritsar (India) to deep my knowledge of traditional Hatha yoga and to study Mantra chanting in Devi Ashram.  I practiced in South Africa with Yoga works, studying technics for introducing yoga in International Companies. I went to Sydney for training in Mantra chanting. In Cagliari, I follow the training school of Yoga, Ayurveda and Yogatherapy C. Y. Surya of Amadio Bianchi as part of the staff.

In 2020 I concluded the Post Graduate Master of II level in University  La Sapienza in Rome, Faculty of Psychology in "Mindfulness: pratics, clinics and neurosciencies “.

Personal Contact Details
Address: Via Versilia 12, Cagliari, Italy
Mobile: 0039 329 6522902/3935553133

Employment History
Work experience:
From 2008: Hatha Yoga teacher, Cagliari
In this period, I
    • organize Yoga Workshops and Seminars
    • run regular courses of Hatha yoga and Ashtanga Yoga including Meditation lessons
    • give private lessons and follow some students with specific programs of Yoga Therapy
    • Give lessons of Yin Yoga
    • Regular meditation courses

200 hours Ashthanga teacher training – Mysore Yoga Alliance recognised
500 hours  Asthanga teacher training – Mysore Yoga Alliance recognised
600 hours  Hatha Yoga Teacher training with Amadio Bianchi – Swami Suryananda Saraswati (Italy)
200 hours Thai yoga teacher training  - Bangkok – Thailand
200 hours Yin Yoga teacher Training – London
Back School- Metodo Tosi - Siracusa
OLIT Training Olistico (ric. CONI) - Rome
30 hours Aerial yoga training – London

Post degree Second Level Master in Mindfulness, Neurosciences and Meditation – University La Sapienza  - Rome

Workshops held
2015: Yoga for back pain (Cagliari)
2016: Assisted asanas (Ozieri  - Sardinia)
2016: Yoga for couples (Oristano Sardinia)
2016: Sardinian Yoga Festival – Story telling with gong yoga
2017: Yoga for couples – Bergamo
2018: Anathomy of Yoga – Cagliari and Bergamo
2019: Effectiveness of Yoga in Vata management - Ahmedabad

Additional experience and qualification

Italian – native speaker
Slovak - excellent 
English – excellent – FCE and examinee at the University of Charles – Prague – Czech Republic
Spanish – intermediate (examinee both at the University of Catania – Italy – Language and Literature, and at the University of Charles)
French – elementary
Russian – elementary

Personal and professional references available on request
Translated books:

Preklad umeleckeho textu –A.  Popovic
Slovnik imunologie – J. Rovensky
Namestie v Mahringu – A. Hykkysh

Sloboda, Rankov, Hvorecky, Hykkish, and other contemporary Slovak authors for newspapers, artistic reviews and publications

I also translated different articles of yoga techniques for local use in Italy and for publishing in India

Taliancina na cesty
Taliancina krok za krokom
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Sara Ghisaura
Yoga Teacher – Ayurvedic Massage Therapist
Sara discovered yoga in London when she was living here at the age of 25. When she moved back to Sardinia she graduated with her diploma from the International School of Yoga & Ayurveda, Milan, under the teaching of Amadio Bianchi in 2011.

2019 Create a new syllabus of yoga for sport “Yogaball” collaborating with football club like Juventus:
Sara discovered yoga in London when she was living here at the age of 25. When she moved back to Sardinia she graduated with her diploma from the International School of Yoga & Ayurveda, Milan, under the teaching of Amadio Bianchi in 2011.

2019 Create a new syllabus of yoga for sport “Yogaball” collaborating with football club like Juventus:

2008-2011 Teachers Course in Yoga under Master Amadio Bianchi (Mahamandaleshwara Swami Suryananda Saraswati) President of World Movement for Yoga European Federation; President of International School of Yoga & Ayurveda C.Y. Surya; Vice Presidente International Yoga Confederation Delhi;
General Co-ordinator of World Movement For Ayurveda Official Italian Confederation of Yoga; Ambassador to The World Community of Indian Culture and Traditional Diciplines;

2011 Sara trained in Yoga for Children in Cagliari, Sardinia at the Italian
Association for Children’s Yoga (A.I.Y.B) graduating with a diploma for
Children’s Yoga in association with the Medittarranean Federation
of Yoga.

2010 Diploma in Ayurvedic Massage under master Amadio Bianchi
(Mahamandaleshwara Swami Suryananda Saraswati).

Sara teaches Hatha Yoga and Yogaball in London and collaborate with Amadio Bianchi’s school of Ayurveda and Yogatherapy.

Tel. 0044 7414 295 391

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Lucia Margherita Rizzi
Motivation for Yoga:
I have held a profound fascination for all things related to the holistic world for as long as I can remember.  My journey took a significant turn when I discovered an illness more than two decades ago. This pivotal moment led me to embark on a path of self-healing and exploration to uncover its true spiritual or consciousness-related roots. As my condition worsened, I reached a point where it threatened my very existence.
I have held a profound fascination for all things related to the holistic world for as long as I can remember.  My journey took a significant turn when I discovered an illness more than two decades ago. This pivotal moment led me to embark on a path of self-healing and exploration to uncover its true spiritual or consciousness-related roots. As my condition worsened, I reached a point where it threatened my very existence.
However, I made the conscious choice to veer away from Western medicine's chemical-based treatments and opted for an alternative path. It was during this challenging period that I had the privilege of crossing paths with Master Amadio Bianchi. His inner light and energy illuminated my world.
Following his profound experience in the realms of yoga and Ayurveda, despite my desperate situation, I experienced a physical, mental, and spiritual rebirth within a matter of months. My path subsequently led me to study under Swami Amadio Bianchi and other esteemed teachers in the fields of yoga and Ayurveda.
The foundation of my teaching philosophy is rooted in the desire to impart this profound experience to others, enabling them to become aware of their own potential as spiritual beings. My teaching approach involves small groups of a maximum of three individuals. This deliberate choice allows me to transcend the boundaries of physical practice and engage in meaningful dialogues with my students. It also grants me the opportunity to provide guidance in other facets related to naturopathy and Ayurveda.
My mission is to empower individuals on their spiritual journeys and support them in realizing their innate potential. I believe that through sharing our experiences, we can help others find their own path to enlightenment.
Work Experience:
My primary work experience has revolved around teaching yoga and providing Ayurvedic and naturopathic consultations. I conducted these activities primarily from my home, where I have a dedicated space for yoga practice, as well as at local tourist facilities in the area..
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Milena De Matteis
Yoga student
She has taken up yoga with the intent of improving her strength, flexibility and breathing and she is now in her second year of a course conducted by Gisa Franceschelli (Sattva Yoga) in Ostia (Rome). She struggles with remembering the names of the asana, but ... "A failure is only a step on the way to your success." Yogi Bahjan

She has worked for years as a secretary in different international environments and has a passion for the art of photography, which, in a way, is a form of meditation. She is also very fond of nature, which has a soothing effect on her soul.

Giorgia Occhiuzzo
English Teacher
I am a passionate and fun English teacher, always looking for new challenges and adventures. I have been teaching since 2012 to babies, children, tweens and teens. I love travelling, scuba diving, sailing, spending time surrounded by nature and last but not least doing yoga since 2017 with Gisa Franceschelli.
Since I started the Yogascuola training course, I have added some yoga to my daily routine and to my English lessons.

Gabriella Porro
English Teacher
I was born on September 1955 in Addis Abeba  (Ethiopia) where I lived till the age of sixteen.
In Addis I attended an English School, Nazareth School, where, among the teachers, I had the pleasure of having Indian teachers and classmates too.
It is funny but, I remember when I was in 6th grade, my teacher, Mrs Black, used to talk to us students about the importance of conscious breathing! Since then my interest headed in learning more on the topic.
I was born on September 1955 in Addis Abeba  (Ethiopia) where I lived till the age of sixteen.
In Addis I attended an English School, Nazareth School, where, among the teachers, I had the pleasure of having Indian teachers and classmates too.
It is funny but, I remember when I was in 6th grade, my teacher, Mrs Black, used to talk to us students about the importance of conscious breathing! Since then my interest headed in learning more on the topic .
In Italy, in the Abruzzo region where I live, I achieved a high school degree in Art Studies .
During my labour life time, I worked in as Sales Dpt in a manufacturing Company, leader worldwide in the field of Sanitary products.
In the meantime, I approached Yoga, practising here and there and, understood it was time to learn more .
In my heart I felt a lack of knowledge until, a few years ago, I finally had the chance to meeting with my Master Teacher, Svàmi Sùryànanda Sarasvatì, Amadio Bianchi, with whom I completed the 4-year-yoga training course and around 1998 I then started putting into practice the learnings achieved.
I am so grateful for the peaceful joy I receive, in return , from Yoga that guides me on the path of  ‘’ union of the individual consciousness with the universal consciousness ‘’ .
My objective is to find peace and wellness for my body, mind and spirit in line with the laws of the Universe and serve people willing to sharing happiness and wellbeing.
Only for further information, I lately achieved a Master Degree on NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming).

Hp : +39 338 2323023
e-mail address :

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Iryna Pavlovska
Yoga Teacher
Teacher of Yoga, Meditation and Ayurveda, Ayurvedic therapist, biology. Since 2005, Iryna has been teaching various systems of human self-development.

Founder of the Yoga school "". She leads National yoga teachers trainings since 2018.
Regularly offers Yoga, Meditation and Ayurveda seminars and retreats. She has studied abroad with several world-class European and Asian teachers such as Andrey Lappa from Ukraine (Universal Yoga) and Vasant Lad form India (Ayurveda and pulse diagnostics), Ven. Pemasiri Maha Thera from Shri Lanka (Meditation).

Iryna regularly practices Vipassana meditation which she deepens every year through intensive retreats. Her longest retreat was at the Sumathipala Nahimi Senasus Arana Monastery in Sri Lanka in 2022-2023, lasting 5 months.

Practiced Vipassana retreats with the monk-teachers Ven. Pemasiri Maha Thera, Bhante Bodhidhamma (United Kingdom), Bhante Sujiva (Malaysia), Bhante Ottara Nyāna (Malaysia-England), Ven. Ajahn Chandapalo (Italy); and the lay teachers Adriano Emina, Paolo Testa, Gautam Verma (Italy), Hannes Huber (Austria), Andrea Huber (Austria), Nicola Tarditi, Massimo Bonomelli, Jan de Wurstemberger (Switzerland), Andrey Verba (Russia).

Current studies:
In this moment she is following method of meditation of  Mahasi Sayadaw (Buddism of Theravada)  and Amadio Bianchi (Ayurveda)
I was born on September 1955 in Addis Abeba  (Ethiopia) where I lived till the age of sixteen.
In Addis I attended an English School, Nazareth School, where, among the teachers, I had the pleasure of having Indian teachers and classmates too.
It is funny but, I remember when I was in 6th grade, my teacher, Mrs Black, used to talk to us students about the importance of conscious breathing! Since then my interest headed in learning more on the topic .
In Italy, in the Abruzzo region where I live, I achieved a high school degree in Art Studies .
During my labour life time, I worked in as Sales Dpt in a manufacturing Company, leader worldwide in the field of Sanitary products.
In the meantime, I approached Yoga, practising here and there and, understood it was time to learn more .
In my heart I felt a lack of knowledge until, a few years ago, I finally had the chance to meeting with my Master Teacher, Svàmi Sùryànanda Sarasvatì, Amadio Bianchi, with whom I completed the 4-year-yoga training course and around 1998 I then started putting into practice the learnings achieved.
I am so grateful for the peaceful joy I receive, in return , from Yoga that guides me on the path of  ‘’ union of the individual consciousness with the universal consciousness ‘’ .
My objective is to find peace and wellness for my body, mind and spirit in line with the laws of the Universe and serve people willing to sharing happiness and wellbeing.
Only for further information, I lately achieved a Master Degree on NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming).

Hp : +39 338 2323023
e-mail address :

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Elisabetta Zambon (Amritdev Kaur)
Yoga Kundalini Teacher
I am a second level Teacher and Teacher trainer of Kundalini Yoga. Within the Kundalini Research Institute (KRI) I specialized in Asana Yoga, Counseling and in the science of the mind for Leadership & Success, becoming a tutor in the Antervidya programs.
My passion for Yoga and for the art,  that uses the body as matter through the physical expression of movement to raise the state of consciousness and the manifestation of the self, led me to specialize in the first and second levels of Shakti Dance .
I believe that the life of every human being has the right to evolve in consciousness. For this reason I trained as a Yoga Teacher for Pregnancy and postpartum, so that Yoga can be a help and support for every mother in establishing a deep and joyful relationship with her child.
I deepen my skills as a Vinyasa Flow teacher by training under the guidance of international teachers.

t e l . : + 0 3 9 - 3 4 9 - 0 8 9 3 - 8 5
I was born on September 1955 in Addis Abeba  (Ethiopia) where I lived till the age of sixteen.
In Addis I attended an English School, Nazareth School, where, among the teachers, I had the pleasure of having Indian teachers and classmates too.
It is funny but, I remember when I was in 6th grade, my teacher, Mrs Black, used to talk to us students about the importance of conscious breathing! Since then my interest headed in learning more on the topic .
In Italy, in the Abruzzo region where I live, I achieved a high school degree in Art Studies .
During my labour life time, I worked in as Sales Dpt in a manufacturing Company, leader worldwide in the field of Sanitary products.
In the meantime, I approached Yoga, practising here and there and, understood it was time to learn more .
In my heart I felt a lack of knowledge until, a few years ago, I finally had the chance to meeting with my Master Teacher, Svàmi Sùryànanda Sarasvatì, Amadio Bianchi, with whom I completed the 4-year-yoga training course and around 1998 I then started putting into practice the learnings achieved.
I am so grateful for the peaceful joy I receive, in return , from Yoga that guides me on the path of  ‘’ union of the individual consciousness with the universal consciousness ‘’ .
My objective is to find peace and wellness for my body, mind and spirit in line with the laws of the Universe and serve people willing to sharing happiness and wellbeing.
Only for further information, I lately achieved a Master Degree on NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming).

Hp : +39 338 2323023
e-mail address :

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Simran Kaur Reel
Simran Kaur Reel has completed her post graduation program in politics, leadership and governance from Indian Institute of Democratic Leadership a renowned institution in Mumbai and is also a application) graduate.
She is secretary- International Projects, of United Consciousness Global (a global initiative for creating an integrated world by removing barriers of limited identities and establishing holistic well-being). She has been state champion in arm-wrestling in the year 2017. Simran was also associated with National Commission for Indian System of Medicine, Ministry of Ayush, Govt. of India as a public relation officer. She has been working with MP's, MLA's and other political, spiritual and social organisations. She believes in "Oneness" with the thought of God created light of which all the beings were born and from this light, the universe; so who is good and who is bad, the creation is in the Creator and the Creator is in the creation.
She is a spiritual sadhika who is in search of her life's purpose.
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Krishnakāmī C. Patzig
Hatha Yoga Teacher (BYV); Psychological Yoga Therapist, Spiritual Life Counselor, Teacher of Yoga Nidra, Meditation, Taijiquan & Qigong, Tibetan Healing Yoga/Lu Jong & Kumnye Energy Massages.
Adult education lecturer since the year 2000.
She lived for three years in the Yoga Vidya Ashram in Bad Meinberg/Germany, where she met Swami Suryānananda Saraswati Amadio Bianchi.
Deeply rooted in Bhakti Yoga since the year 2016, she started to live since 2019 mainly in Vrindavan/India.
She is dedicated to learn Hindi, Sanskrit, Kirtan and the sacred scriptures and serves the cows and dogs living on the streets..

Insegnante di Hatha Yoga (BYV); Terapia psicologico dello Yoga, consulente spirituale, insegnante di Yoga Nidra, Meditazione, Taijiquan e Qigong, Yoga curativo tibetano/Lu Jong e massaggi energetici Kumnye.
Docente di educazione degli adulti dal 2000.
Ha vissuto per tre anni nello Yoga Vidya Ashram di Bad Meinberg, in Germania, dove ha incontrato Swami Suryānananda Saraswati Amadio Bianchi.
Dal 2016 è profondamente ancorata al Bhakti Yoga e dal 2019 vive principalmente a Vrindavan/India,
Si dedica allo studio dell'hindi, del sanscrito, del kirtan e delle sacre scritture e serve le mucche e i cani che vivono per strada.

Hatha Yogalehrerin (BYV); Psychologische Yoga Therapeutin, spirituelle Lebensberaterin, Lehrerin für Yoga Nidra, Meditation, Taijiquan & Qigong, Tibetisches Heil-Yoga/Lu Jong & Kumnye Energie Massagen.
Dozentin der Erwachsenenbildung seit dem Jahr 2000.
Sie lebte drei Jahre lang im Yoga Vidya Ashram, Bad Meinberg/Deutschland, wo sie Swami Suryānananda Saraswati Amadio Bianchi kennenlernte.
Seit dem Jahr 2016 ist sie tief im Bhakti Yoga verankert und lebt seit 2019 hauptsächlich in Vrindavan/Indien,
Sie widmet sich dem Erlernen des Hindi, Sanskrit, Kirtan und den heiligen Schriften und dient den, auf der Strasse lebenden Kühen und Hunden.
She is secretary- International Projects, of United Consciousness Global (a global initiative for creating an integrated world by removing barriers of limited identities and establishing holistic well-being). She has been state champion in arm-wrestling in the year 2017. Simran was also associated with National Commission for Indian System of Medicine, Ministry of Ayush, Govt. of India as a public relation officer. She has been working with MP's, MLA's and other political, spiritual and social organisations. She believes in "Oneness" with the thought of God created light of which all the beings were born and from this light, the universe; so who is good and who is bad, the creation is in the Creator and the Creator is in the creation.
She is a spiritual sadhika who is in search of her life's purpose.
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